SHINE/VARIANCE: Reviews in the Irish Times and Irish Independent

I was quite terrified ahead of reviews of SHINE/VARIANCE, so I was very pleased (and relieved) to get these two very kind, thoughtful and positive reviews recently.

Sarah Moss in the Irish Times described the stories as “Great, beautiful little studies of unspoken fear and longing and love, told with a sure-footed delicacy rare in a debut”.
I’m a big admirer of Sarah Moss as a writer and critic, and it was wonderful to see her engage so deeply with the stories in her review. You can read the Irish Times review here.

Niamh Donnelly in the Irish Independent said: “Astonishing…the collection’s sharpness, poetics and wit make for an immensely pleasurable read. Walsh looks to be a writer of great promise.”
You can read her full review here.

I really appreciate the depth of analysis in both pieces, and the very kind and supportive reviews – it means a lot to me.